What Makes for an Effective Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapist Near Cherry Creek?

This is a great question. In this blog post, we’ll cover a variety of factors that can influence how and what interventions an EMDR therapist uses while in session.

There are many large variables that impact how a therapist approaches clinical work. These may include:

  • Prior life experiences that have created empathy and compassion
  • Where they received their bachelor, master, or doctorate education
  • Where they received their continuing education, i.e. EMDR training and consultations

Small Factors That Influence How an EMDR Therapist Works

Find out how EMDR therapy can help you heal from past trauma today!

EMDR training programs cover the requirements sent for by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). Some of these training programs may differ in quality and time given to each topics set forth by EMDRIA. Thus, this can impact how an EMDR therapist approaches blocks or ego state parts that arise in session.

Small factors that influence how an EMDR therapist approaches clinical work can include:

  • Level of directness, assertiveness, or indirectness to clinical work – some people prefer bluntness while others prefer to lean into EMDR therapy slowly.
  • The use of active listening skills – reflective statements, open-ended questions, and empathetic responses.
  • The therapist’s ability to connect on a human, authentic level
  • How they follow the EMDR protocol – is the protocol followed to the letter or is it given a more personalized approach?
  • Their use of interventions when reprocessing material is not moving – for example, the use of TICES – Trigger, Image, Cognitive Thoughts, Emotions, and Sensations

How to Find the Best EMDR Therapist?

EMDRIA’s website has an online EMDR therapist directory. This can be a great place to locate an EMDR certified or consultant level therapist. As always, there are new therapists in training that are great at clinical work but not have reached the certified or consultant levels to be listed on this directory. In this case, googling ‘best EMDR therapist near me’ or ‘find EMDR therapy near me’ can provide options for potential EMDR therapists.

EMDR Therapist Near Cherry Creek

If you or someone you know is searching for an EMDR clinician, you can reach out us by submitting an online form here or by calling us at 720.295.6703. If we are not a good fit, we can provide you with a referral to another EMDR provider that may be better suited to meet your needs. Start your healing journey today!

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