
Relationship Issues After Infidelity

Relationship issues after infidelity can interfere with many areas of your life. We don’t always understand how infidelity impacts us, but we can certainly feel the impacts within the body afterward. After infidelity, when we do have these sensations and emotions, we can choose to ignore them or heal. Ignoring them can create its own […]

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How to Heal from Infidelity: From a Trauma Counselor

A variety of factors impact infidelity rates, believe it or not. These factors can range from family values, income, economic stress, illness, and the decade(s) someone grew up in. The Institute of Family Studies notes that 20% of men and 13% of women will cheat on their married spouse at some point. Infidelity can cut

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Betrayal Trauma

There are many forms of trauma. Diagnostically betrayal trauma does not meet criteria for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); however, that does not negate it’s devasting effects.  Betrayal trauma usually occurs after someone shatters your trust. This can be lying on a significant level but also infidelity. For example, maybe someone close to you lied to

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Can Couples Counseling Help My Relationship?

Relationships experience a vast array of challenges throughout their existence. Some of these challenges are normal experiences as no two or more people will ever see eye-to-eye on every subject/issue. Common disagreements are natural and inevitable. Working through issues as they arise and engaging in clear communication to resolve the underlying issue(s) will foster a

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