The Importance of Gratitude: From an Individual Counselor Near Pleasant Prairie, WI

Gratitude is something most Americans are usually taught in school or their homes while they grow up. However, this gentle skill can also help us find more peace and happiness. Merriam-Webster defines gratitude as thankfulness. But I wonder if there’s more to it. Let’s delve into the importance of gratitude from an individual counselor near Pleasant Prairie, WI’s perspective.

What is Gratitude?

Gratitude can’t be faked. Gratitude is a natural, authentic response to the kindness shown to us. When we start to dig deeper into the topic of gratitude, there are some different aspects not everyone may be aware of. Yes, gratitude has an element of thankfulness. However, it also involves giving someone something in return for what they have done or the kindness they shared with us. That means that gratitude may first start externally but is reciprocated from within us, or internally.

How Does Showing Gratitude Help Me?

An article by Harvard Health Publishing indicates that showing gratitude can help to increase optimism and happiness in our lives. The simple act of showing or expressing gratitude in one’s life can have a positive impact on one’s mood, life perspectives, and possibly reduce levels of stress. Therefore, just changing how we express gratitude or adding in a few gratitude activities on a routine basis can create these positive changes.

3 Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude

The more we practice giving gratitude, the easier it becomes. It is like muscle memory when playing sports or exercising. Here are three simple ways to practice gratitude in daily life.

  1. Slow down and notice what others do for you or do to support you. This may seem simple. Our lives move so quickly that we often forget to acknowledge all that others do for us. Gratitude is a simply way to create positive emotions in our lives.
  2. 5-minute self-reflection. This connects to point one. Take inventory of the positives throughout your life. This could be noticing the quality of life you have, overall health, positive support systems, or personality traits that have helped you endure stressors. Even if there are small positives in our lives, we sometimes forget them in the face of stress(ors).
  3. Quickly respond, in an authentic manner, to others when they go out of their way for you. This could be holding doors, bringing you coffee, or cooking dinner.

Showing Gratitude Toward Yourself

Take time to slow down and reflect on your accomplishments and triumphs in life. Oftentimes, it can be just as awkward to give gratitude to others as to give gratitude to yourself. Most of us have been through challenges in life. Maybe you have overcome a cancer diagnosis, escaped a toxic relationship, built a successful business, helped save someone’s life, or continually move forward in the Traumatic Brain Injury recovery process. All of these situations contain moments where we can find some piece of gratitude. We sometimes, just need to search and find it.

Why is Gratitude Hard to Give and Experience?

Sometimes, how we are raised and/or our life events (trauma, infidelity, or being laid off from a job) can disconnect us from our emotions. Because of this, we may find it difficult to tap into emotional states. That means even experiencing positive emotions is a challenge. Individual counseling near Pleasant Prairie, WI can help reconnect the mind and body. Thus, enabling you to notice and name emotions and express gratitude

Individual Counseling Near You

At Revitalize Mental Health PLLC, I provide individual counseling to help you live the life you desire. Gratitude may be something difficult for you to connect with. As you’ve read in this post, connecting with positive emotions and gratitude can be a challenge for some. Individual counseling can help bring these positive experiences back into your life. Call 720.295.6703 or submit an online form here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call. I look forward to hearing from you.

By: Daniel Gospodarek, LCSW

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